

匿名用户 2021-08-23

The headquarters are located in shore of East China Sea Ningpo city unicorn Yuan Gongmao the limited company, is domestic one of through the Ministry of Public Security fire prevention product evaluation center authentication and through national fireproof construction material performance test center examination steel structure fire protection coating plants, the company has the rich of being flame-resistant product manufacture experience, in the specialized steel structure fire protection coating, organic, the inorganic fire protection stopped up aspects and so on material to lay the solid foundation, relied on the science the management and the advanced technology, a unicorn Yuan company by the modern age, the specialty, the scale, the intensive superiority sets up in the domestic fire protection coating profession to Shang Zunrong the status. QIYUAN unicorn Yuan Gongmao the limited company relies on the rich experience and the advanced technology, applies directly the science and technology in each correlation industry, at present, a unicorn Yuan company produces fire protection being flame-resistant material product covering correlation domains and so on modern office building, steel structure workshop, and obtain the extremely outstanding performance in the application process.Unicorn Yuan Gongmao has the company to carry out the integrity green environmental protection plan, not only enhances the coating product unceasingly in the promotion fire protection being flame-resistant performance foundation in the security, the health, the environmental protection aspect level, develops suits the Chinese market the fire protection coating and advocates the human health the new concept product.Not only the company produces the specialized steel structure fire protection coating, the fire protection stops up the material, the service also covers the large-scale fire protection coating project the construction, the large-scale fire project technical design and the construction and so on,at present, a unicorn Yuan institute constructs the engineering project including the airport, can unfold central, the major industry garden modernized steel structure workshop, the bonded area large-scale company's fire protection project construction, the national grain storage fire protection project construction and so on,scrupulously follows“take the science and technology as the forerunner, the struggle creates the name brand; Strives for the development by the quality, lets user satisfaction” quality policy.Through the ISO9000:2000 international quality system authentication, had guaranteed the product quality stability and quality quality outstanding, satisfies the national big-scale work construction the need, the comprehensive world most advanced production craft and the technical quality, the development and the production completely conforms to the Chinese market high quality fire protection coating product.Unicorn Yuan throughout by: “Establishes human perfect homeland, creates green global village” is the objective, but take the remarkable quality and the consummation service, creates, the health, the consummation life high quality as the populace unceasingly diligently.(要英译汉,汉译英,不管译什么,保你有答案)


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